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final notice: new works by keegan "onefoot" wenkman and aaron michael bickners | may 9th, 2009

based on the concept of vacancy and foreclosure, this show was not just for the grown ups with mortgages and 401K's. we all seemed weary of NPR and sentences beginning with these economic times... but despite the unsettling doubt affecting everyone, two portland artists, keegan wenkman and aaron bickner, returned to minneapolis to install a show that reflects rebirth and change.

wenkman is a recognized name in the illustration and poster design community, designing posters for local and national acts, as well as the logo for the hub. this was the first solo show for bickner who has exhibited in numerous group shows while attending minneapolis college of art and design. joseph belk of overproof, a company that is becoming known as a think tank for every artistic venue on the spectrum, organized and collaborated with the artists to present a unique and socially conscious vision in this upcoming show.

with the promotional design taken directly from "final notice" signage on the doors of empty houses, on opening night the gallery itself appeared to be closing, teetering on the edge of vacancy. Inside, however, there were over 60 pieces of art and an interactive "dollhouse" installation on the floor. umber studios became an tactile space where people could think, look, speak, and walk through art with a fascinating undertone and a bright new message.

obama was even there.